About me
I am currently working as a tenure-track assistant professor in The University of Akron in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). Here I am instructing different courses within the ECE department, while actively engaging in research across emerging fields.
Before this, I was a postdoctoral researcher in Purdue University working jointly with Prof. David J. Love and Prof. Christopher G. Brinton. I completed my PhD in spring 2022 from Iowa State University, USA. I was the proud recipient of Karas Award of Iowa State University for the outstanding dissertation in Mathematical and Physical Science and Engineering in 2022. During my PhD, I have worked under the supervision of Prof. Aditya Ramamoorthy. My PhD dissertation that addresses different challenges in distributed computations can be found here.
My research interests include federated learning, different aspects of Large Language Models, distributed computation, security, deep machine learning, signal processing, AI/ML applications etc. More details can be can be found in my CV.